Well, now that I've been working at the warehouse for about four weeks, I can already tell that my shoulders and arms are filling out quite nicely. My weight is very consistently sitting at 130 lbs. instead of fluctuating a lot like it used to do, and my core (abs, obliques, back, etc.) is getting pretty solid. The only things I need to focus on really are my chest and leg muscles. I'm going to be doing yoga fairly regularly too, just to help reset my muscles and to get my flexibility back (when I was doing TaeKwonDo regularly, I could bring my knee up to my forehead without arching my back).
I tried taking some pictures of my last set, but that fancy new camera just doesn't seem to want to cooperate. So, with my next set I'll try again on my old camera. I'm working on some video but I'm not sure what I want to record just yet. I could always shoot a round of one-legged squats or Russian twists.
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